Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What is going on?
I have really tried to stay to myself politically. I find that most things people either agree or disagree with based on which party is doing it. You know I was brought up in a Republican household and have voted that way for most of my life. The last president Bush really betrayed my trust and I feel sold out America. He introduced a lot of socialist programs including the bailout of several companies. Now the new president has continued with the bailouts. I just don't understand how our society got to the sports team mentality about everything, "I am not going to vote for them because they have an R after their name, or I'll never vote for a Democrat." I think people long to vote for something not against it. We have (almost all of us) become blinded, it is almost as if nothing matters except that your team wins. I feel this has been a plan for a long time keep them in the Coliseum watching the gladiators while we take more power. People were convinced that George W. Bush was the anti-christ and that he would bring about the end of the world. He didn't but he did take some of MY freedoms in the name of National Security. Now the people on the other side are convinced that Barack Obama is the anti-christ and that he will bring about the end of the world. I don't think that is true, but I noticed that he picked up my freedoms that Bush took and didn't give it back to me, and now they are attempting to take more of MY freedoms. I don't want to have to explain to my child or my grandchildren what it was like when we had freedom or try and explain what was so important that I let my freedom go. I am telling anyone who reads this stop with the partisan bullshit, look at both sides and see there is no difference. Find the people who stand for what you believe. This country was founded on Christian ideals and whether or not you are Christian it is hard to argue against those ideals. Do unto others, do not kill, do not steal, basically be nice to each other and help each other. Take care of yourself and others, and when you need it other will take care of you. It has been said our Constitution is outdated and that it needs to be changed. How can you change something that is so inspired? "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It says creator not God so whomever you worship or however you feel we got here understand that we are endowed with these rights. Life isn't fair, if it was I wouldn't be writing in a blog to my dad, but we ALL need to work TOGETHER to make a brighter future for the future generations. I take a lot of crap because I don't necessarily believe that Global warming is caused by man and CO2 emissions, but that doesn't mean I don't think we should take care of our planet and do what we can to make it better, we have been charged to be stewards of our planet. This may be a bit rambling but I have so much running through my head. I want our country to become the Republic it was intended to be. It is amazing that people don't understand the difference. We entrust OUR power to OUR elected government it is not a majority rule. We have a responsibility to speak out when we feel we are not being heard, and we have a bigger responsibility to DEFEND THE RIGHTS of people who are speaking the opposite of what we believe. I actually enjoyed seeing both sides of the health care bill being represented on Facebook last week, at first it bothered me, but I realized that is the first amendment in its simplest form. I don't want to see people go without care for either reason, but it seems to me the argument missed by not giving a solution. It is easy to criticize, lets actually come up with plans. Capitalism can be evil, Socialism can be evil, AMERICA ISN'T EVIL! Let us use our American ingenuity and fix the problem. Let everyone decide to be intellectually honest and admit when they don't know something. Let us become "United under God indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL." Love ya guy!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
A Week Goes By
Very quickly. It is hard to believe it has been an entire week since I last talked to you. Tanis has settled into school and seems to be enjoying it. We are still trying to get our morning routine down, but have the parking lot routine down. He likes to take his lunch, but today was his first purchased lunch so I look forward to talking to him about it. I was doing well working out, but have not for the last 3 days, I don't have any real excuses so I won't try to pass any. We are getting ready for the big sale weekend, but are facing great weather for the WHOLE weekend. We need it to rain one day so people will come in, but I am sure we will do fine. I guess part of the reason I don't update that often is that I really don't do a lot except work, sleep and eat. I was off Monday so after school Tanis and I went to Toys-R-Us to buy some Legos. We went home cooked some sliders built some Legos and sent him to bed. The Tigers are in first place, the Lions won one pre-season game so far and the Spartans start this Saturday. Tanis is playing soccer and seems to like it. Love ya guy!
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