Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Mom had her right knee replaced before my birthday. On August 7th she had to have it re-opened because her sutures had opened. They fixed things and sent her on her way. On Friday she visited the doctor because her leg was red around the sutures. He sent her to the hospital and the opened the knee again and went layer by layer irrigating, and cleaning. Then they replaced the plastic piece between the 2 metal pieces. They ran cultures and found out she has a staph infection. She will have to wear a pump that continuously cleans the the wound, and puts in antibiotics for 4 to 6 weeks. Then she will have to take an oral antibiotic for 4 more weeks. It seems surreal. The worst part of it is that there is only a 40% chance that the knee won't have to be replaced. I know you are up there, do you think you can help those odds in her favor? Love ya guy.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I hope that your mom is doing better. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her!