Thursday, October 30, 2008

This Weekend

This weekend is a couple of milestones. On Saturday we are going to inter your ashes. It was my idea to do it, and it was time. Mom has put together thing to put in the vault with you. Howdy doody, Maria Mauldaer CD, Chow Chow ashes. I think it will help bring some closure, and healing. On Sunday we face the year anniversary of your passing. I do not know how I am going to feel. It has been a year, it feels longer and shorter than that. i guess because we already went through the major Holidays it doesn't seem so long. But this summer went by fast. Mom and I were talking about interring you back in May and now it will be November. I have missed you a lot this past year. I have had some fun though. The golf outing in your memorial was a lot of fun. Collecting pennies, trying to register the hand gun. Life can't be summed up quickly or easily. I am still working through a lot of things a year later. I decided on your birthday that I would celebrate your life not your death, but I know Sunday can not pass without some acknowledgement. I will let you know. Love ya guy.

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