Tuesday, November 16, 2010

It is not that....

I don't have anything to say. I just can't always find time and I don't like to do it during work hours, but I work a lot of hours. I will try to do better with posts. What hasn't happened since my last post? Well here in a nutshell is the order of events:
1. We had the summer party, it was a lot of fun as usual. Beautiful weather and great food.
2. Vacationed in Michigan. Stayed up at Aunt Janis's cabin. Took mom to Duck lake on her birthday, thought it was cool to see where you took the picture. Kellie and Tanis went on their first dune ride and had a lot of fun.
3. Spartan football started the season 8 and 0 and are tied for first place in the Big Ten.
4. Halloween came and went. We carved pumpkins.
5. Tanis Celebrated his 7th birthday at Kalahari. We had a lot of fun. Mom and Alex came down for it. My family all rode several water slides and had a lot of fun. Tanis had his first piano recital.
6. Your 3 year anniversary came and went and I feel some of the pain has lessened. I am ready to let some of the things I was holding on to go.

I want to talk more. I need guidance and a friendly ear. I will miss you next week every time I go out to the grill. Love ya guy.

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