Thursday, October 30, 2008

Scary October 2

Scary movies. You introduced me to scary movies when I was young. The first one I remember seeing was alien. I know you guys watched the mud monster on night when we still lived in Lansing. Alien, Alligator, I remember being fairly young when I saw these. Dawn of the Dead I watched with mom and Cheri, the opening scene of that movie still freaks me out. Watching The Hand with Jeff and Cheri mom snuck up on me and scared the crap out of me. Now, my wife wouldn't believe that I was scared by these movies, but I think being scared young makes it not scary now. Ron and I watched John Carpenter's The Thing one afternoon and he was so freaked out I had to ride home with him. I love scary movies, not many get to me anymore, but The Ring did cause the hair on my neck stand up. It is fun to try and scare the crap out of yourself. A lot of new horror movies are just about being violent and gory like Saw. I remember watching horror movies, some with you and some without. But I look back on them with fondness. Love ya guy.

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