Monday, January 2, 2012

Bittersweet Milestone

Last week I hit a bittersweet milestone, when you passed away I only had one pair of jeans as most of the time I wear dress slacks and dress shirts So I had to buy some jeans. Those jeans haven't fit for 4 years. On Christmas Eve day I was able to put them on and snap them easily. I even needed a belt. I am still a bit heavier than when you passed, but I am heading in the right direction. (even though I was bad new years eve and day) It felt good to be able to wear them but bad to remember I missed you at the Holidays this year more than past years. I am not sure why, but it may have to do with some memories are starting to fade and I want to hold onto them so tightly that it hurts. I was going to do the entire month of December as memories of you but I know I can't come up with 31 of them and that makes me sad. I'm not saying I don't have 31 memories of you, but I can't conjure up 31 just off the top of my head, and some of them are not necessarily happy and a few are too personal to ever share. Just know that you are missed. P.S. The Spartans won their bowl game in triple overtime. Love ya guy.

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