Wednesday, December 26, 2007


I decided to start this blog as a tribute to my father. My plan is to write each post as though I was having a conversation with him:

You died Friday November 2nd. The night before Kellie and I went to the Peanut Barrel to pay tribute to you, so when you passed I had one hell of a hangover. A lot has happened since then. Today is December 26th, you missed Thanksgiving (the Lions were humiliated), your Anniversary and Christmas. I have a lot to tell you so today will be a long conversation.

Your funeral: It was very hard to plan everything, to try and get it all to come together. We had the funeral and the visitation all at once. We filled Pilgrim Congregational. 40 past presidents (Lansing Jaycees) showed up, and 39 of them stayed. You should have seen the procession of them coming in. Some nice things were said, and Alex and I both spoke. I realized that I didn't even really know you. You touched so many lives, that chapel couldn't fit everybody who showed up, they had to set up several rows of folding chairs outside the chapel to accommodate everybody. I was there for mom, and think I helped her a bit. I took the gun collection, and it is in my basement, she wanted it out of the bedroom. I took your bow, and a friend of mine found someone who could use it, I don't think that person got a deer with it yet, but if they do I will let you know.

Your anniversary: You and mom were supposed to go on a trip, I had to cancel it. I had Smith Floral send her 40 petite red roses with a single white rose in the middle. This made her cry, but helped.

Thanksgiving: I know you weren't coming anyway, you should have been in Florida on vacation, but I missed you anyway. The turkey I smoked on the grill was probably the best turkey I've ever smoked, you would have loved it. I missed you a lot when I was outside checking on it.

Christmas: Was hard enough without you being here, but Cheri is in the hospital with several of the same symptoms you had. They say she may get out soon, but we will wait and see. I missed you a lot yesterday, you would have brought a tub of Schuyler's bar cheese, I would have given you a Chow Chow calendar. You were always so gruff about Christmas, but I found out that you were really a catalyst for Christmas. Tanis got a lot of presents, and had a lot of fun. I got a Star Wars book that you would have loved, it has all kind of notes and pull out sheets. I would have talked to you about the production of it and how hard it would be to print.

Sports: The Spartans blew it again against the Wolverines. (Next year could you talk to the big guy about giving them a little help?) They did make it to a bowl game, and play this Friday. The Lions were 6 and 2, and then lost 6 straight games, now this weekend they are playing for five hundred. The Wings are dominating the competition right now, but there is still a lot of hockey left to play. Same goes for the Pistons.

I wish that I had a chance to say goodbye, when you could have answered. I love you, and I miss you very much. I promise you that I will lose weight, and I will be healthy for myself and my family. I do not believe that when someone passes they leave people behind, I believe they go ahead to make a place for us, I know we will see each other again, and that when that happens we will have a long chat. I love ya guy.

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

That is very sweet. I am sure he enjoys your conversations. Thanks for sharing them with all of us.