Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A new member of the house

On Saturday we added a new member to our family. We purchased Tuck, he is a Russian Tortoise. I converted my bottom fish tank into a new home for him. He is kind of a boring a pet as he just lays there mostly, but Tanis wanted him. I voted for a lizard, but Tuck won out. He is fun in the fact that we are learning a lot about him, like he can live up to 75 years, and should be taken outside on warm days. We are in the early planning stages for building a deck on the pool this year. I hope to have it done no later than the middle of June. We are planning on going to the Motor City Comic Con on Saturday May 17th. We need to replace our dragon door bell as somebody stole it. I don't know anything else we will be looking for, but we should have some fun. Love ya guy.

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