Tuesday, May 31, 2011

What I Learned From The Trip

1. 18 hours of driving is a long time.

2. T-shirts do NOT work well as sun block.

3. Shuttle launches can be tricky

4. I want to lose weight so I can ride rides and play on the beach with my son.

5. I love my wife even more than I thought, she stood by me through all of the plans and even supported the possibility of flying down on the 16th.

6. I love my son and never want to see his eyes fill with tears like they did the day we headed home after telling him we wouldn't get to see the Shuttle.

7. God has a plan for us. Every day turned out perfect. Thursday was a slow day at Universal, Friday the visitor center thinned out, Saturday was shopping at Disney we wouldn't have been able to do, Sunday was mini golf for Tanis and I, Monday we got to swim in the ocean, Tuesday we got to bond. I wouldn't change any of those days. We don't always get what we want but we do get what we need. If the shuttle had launched Daytona wouldn't have happened.

Love ya guy!

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