Wednesday, January 2, 2008

New Years Day

The stores were open today, but a big snow storm kept us pretty slow. I had to drive all the way from the East side of Cleveland to Norwalk for dinner, this is a long drive with clear roads. I made decent time all things considered. We had pork, sauerkraut and rice. All of which are traditional to have at Kellie's parents house for New Years. When we did our New years eve toast I wanted to say:"To friends lost this past year may they stay in our hearts and minds, and may the passing of the old help to heal the wounds of their loss." But thought it might bring people down some. Kellie's friend Amanda and her husband Sean and their triplets all came over on New Years Eve, we played a card game called Taboo. It was fun. Not a whole heck of a lot going on right now. I was torn yesterday because Michigan played their bowl game. I want to root for the Big Ten, but then again I always like to see a Michigan loss (they did win though). Cheri is going to find out today when she will be getting out of the hospital, I haven't heard anything yet, but will let you know. I asked Kellie to get rid of my copy of Sahara, as I can't watch it and not be able to call you and discuss all of what they did wrong. James did start reading Clive, or at least has picked up a couple of books. His newest book is not Dirk Pitt, and actually sounds pretty interesting. I hope in heaven you are able to take long walks on the beach. Watch the sun rise and set. I hope Tanis is right and you are playing fetch with Pugglett. I hope that your pain is gone and that you know how much we all miss you. Love ya guy.

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