Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fishing memory

I had a customer today that fished a lot when he was a kid. It reminded me of my gray cased Zebco rod and reel combo. Mike Homer and I would go down to Park lake and fish. We never caught much but it was a lot of fun. We would visit the neighbor I worked for and dig in his compost pile for worms. Then we would spend the day fishing. I don't know that we went all that often but I remember doing it a few times. I remember that rod and reel and know I used it quite often. Grandpa K took some hooks one day and caught some croppies down at his fishing hole so he taught me the trick and I caught some too. I also used that pole on Houghton lake. The last time I saw it was on your back porch. I think all that is left is the case. Love ya guy!

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