Tuesday, July 17, 2012


There are a lot of things I got from you, both genetic and physical. I am long in the trunk and short in the leg. How many 6 foot tall guys do you know with a 26 inch inseam? My feet have high arches that cause me to walk on the balls instead of walking normally. I have your sense of humor, and as established a few days ago I have a similar taste in movies. I learned a lot about being a man from you, my work ethic, you helped shape my political views and most of all taught me loyalty. But, mom turned me into the next evolution of mankind. She passed the genes onto me so I would not be born with useless wisdom teeth. I have passed these on to my son. We are the future of man, today! Well that is what I read online anyway, and hey if it is on the Internet than it has to be true. But what cost does such great power have? What indeed? We suffer from the pinky disease. Our pinkies are not straight from the knuckle to the tip of the finger. Pretty? Not really. Painful? Definitely not. A minor irritation in comparison to the pain of having impacted wisdom teeth pulled. Love ya guy!

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