Monday, July 16, 2012

What the hell

Life is full of what the hell moments. Sometimes we make a decision by the seat of our pants and say what the hell, I'll try the squid or how bad can Jack Daniels mess me up or why not try a red white and blue with my uncle. Sometimes those what the hell moments turn into what the hell was I thinking. But sometimes those moments give us a unique experience and enrich our lives. We go outside of our comfort zones and experience something we would never have dared to do before. I think Otis time to say what the hell and try some unexplored paths. Maybe I will meet some new friends along the way. Jim Carey made a movie called Yes Man where he signs a contract that he will say yes to everything and along the way he experiences many unique things. In the end he finds out he should do things in moderation and be open to new experiences but should be reasonable with his decisions. I think I shall attempt to have at least one what the hell moment each week. What's the worst that can happen? Love ya guy!

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