Sunday, July 8, 2012

Horror movies

So one thing you definitely influenced is my taste in movies. I really dont know many people who have seen as many cheesy 80s sic fi fantasy movies as me. I was brought up in a house where Ice Pirates was considered a good flick and any movie with a 0 rating in the Lansing state journal became a must see. But more than sic fi and fantasy was horror movies. I dont think you took us to the original release of Alien (1979). But I am sure you took me to the re-release of it. I think I was 9 tops when I saw it. Shortly after that would have been Alligator. Not to mention movies snuck while you were both at work. The one that sticks out in my mind is John Carpenters The Thing. It was a very scary very good movie. It scared the shit out of Ron and although it was a bright afternoon I had to ride home with him because he was so freaked out. I hope to introduce my son to horror movies as Kellie will not watch them with me at all. If I hadn't been introduced at an early age they would truly crep me out but since you spent my youth scaring the pants of me just find them entertaining. Although the Ring did send the hairs on the back of neck straight out (Kellie vowed to never watch a movie that could creepme out). So I guess I am saying thank you for the introduction and I will keep looking around the corner as it may be the alien or maybe that damn cat. Love ya guy.

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